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Happy Y4 teacher, formerly in Year 1 and Year 3, sharing resources :)




Happy Y4 teacher, formerly in Year 1 and Year 3, sharing resources :)
RE whole school Y1-6 broken down objectives, planning, activities, trips, visitors + policy

RE whole school Y1-6 broken down objectives, planning, activities, trips, visitors + policy

Hi all, I'm RE coordinator (amongst other things) at my school and thought I'd share the the whole school planning I've put in place. We have a termly RE week so it's divided up in that way. I've also added in trips and visitors etc to cover all bases and so that we aren't duplicating across school. It has objectives for each year group broken down for each term. I've also then added planning ideas and activities for each. I've added our policy and also the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for RE where the objectives have been taken from. Hopefully I've saved you some work! :)
Year 3 - RE week planning (10 sessions) Linked to holy books.

Year 3 - RE week planning (10 sessions) Linked to holy books.

Hi there, I'm RE coordinator and a Year 3 class teacher. I've previously uploaded my long term/whole school RE coverage break down and objectives for each year group. This is our planning for RE week/Autumn -2 comprehension sessions on festivals (as part of our shared reading in the morning) -5 English lessons (on holy books) -2 learning challenge sessions (making mosaics) -1 longer food tasting session (in our Science weekly slot) This was not created for TES and are the actual plans we used but hopefully it still makes sense to outside eyes - useful for ideas and as a starting point. Hope it helps!